

Fatigue management and energy utilization. It's all about it.

Male athlete in push-up position with knees on the floor.


Living is cool. For this it is necessary that many functions be performed. Among these, the heart pumps blood into our entire body, from feet to the brain. In addition to this ensure that it does not do it too fast.

Training in this mode brings all these benefits.

What is it?

If when you talk about this topic the first thing you think about is running for a long time, you’re limiting the spectrum and therefore your ability to improve.

4 types of endurance

  • Muscular endurance

  • Anaerobic capacity

  • Aerobic power

  • Posture endurance

I don’t care what you care about, because if you want to be better in one they’re all trained.

Whether it’s

  • Run for 10 seconds at a maximum speed
  • Do lot of repetitions in 5-15 minutes
  • Run long distances of more than 30 minutes
  • You’re testing your fitness with stable tests

Breathing, posture and movement determine how efficient you are in these activities.

Being aware of these three factors leads to an increase in such efficiency in what you have decided to do and are directly linked to two other aspects, which together maximize performance.

How do I do it?

First choose one of the 4 types of resistance mentioned, the one you like the most.

Then choose the movements according to your interest.

  • Make a set until failure.

  • Repeat the same moves 2-3 times over 80%.

  • Do it 2 or 3 times a week, depending on the set you’ve made and your recovery.


Add 1 repetition each week of your periodization.


Week 1

Muscle ups10
Bar dips10
Pull ups10

Week 6

Muscle ups16
Bar dips16
Pull ups16
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