It is in youth that this physical adaptation can be exploited, because every year after the age of 40 you lose 8-10 percent of the power that your muscles can generate.
Well, this only happens if you don’t train, it’s not a written rule.
I don’t think anyone wants to live in misery, you come to this life to enjoy the food, the scenery, the nature, the water and of course your body. This type of training helps to maintain a healthy system for as long as you live.
- It contributes to bone health
- Improves metabolic rate
- Reduces your chance of injury
- Increases self-esteem
What is it?
It is to create fast muscle fibres.
There is no fatigue in this type of training, as priority is given to the quality of the movement and not the load or frequency. Because of this there is no excessive sweating or muscle loading.
It is common to train this way if you want to
- Acquire a skill
- Improve the form of a movement
How do I do it?
A structure like the one explained in Strength is used again, with slight variations.
Instead of thinking by muscles you choose movements to perform (compound exercises).
Using the 3-5 structure and if you decide to go for the minimum, choose a movement of
- Rotation
- Pull
- Thrust
Once you have decided which exercises to do, you choose the order.
- Do not do anything fatiguing before this.
- You do the most complex movement or the one with the most neuromuscular load (it involves different planes, several steps and coordination can be a problem).
Then comes the volume and intensity
- It goes from 30-80% of your repetition maximum.
- You continue using method 3-5 explained in the Strength blog
- Explode with each repetition
- If the training is too long and doesn’t suit your current lifestyle, consider supersets, just be aware that you will lose about 5% of your gains.
The truth is that you can do it several times a day every day, except for maximum speed. As long as your volume stays low, you’re good to do it often.
Generally 3-5% each week, around week 5 do a step back to recover.