
Carbon dioxide test

Let's improve your life

blue shining square.

Reduce your stress, know the health of your lungs, improve your sports performance and concentration.

All instructions must be performed using the nose.

Read before making. Timer available after instructions.

  1. Inhale in a calm and controlled manner (3-5 seconds approximately).
  2. Exhale in a calm and controlled manner (approximately 5-7 seconds).
  3. Repeat 2 more times (total of 3 times).
  4. Inhale deeply (your abdomen or belly inflates and you can visually feel the movement).
  5. Start the timer and exhale slooooowly until one of these things happens
    1. You run out of air
    2. You have the need to swallow
    3. You panic
    4. You paused your exhalation
  6. Pause the timer and get your results.



Exhale time

Practice your breathing


Applying box breathing has benefits beyond improving muscle recovery.

  • Reduces stress throughout the 24 hours.
  • Lowers anxiety
  • Improves concentration

Stay tuned to my Instagram and Buy me a coffe, soon I’ll release resources for training and improving breathing and carbon dioxide tolerance.

💪🏽 Buy me a prote