
Breath Work

If you stop, you are done

young woman seated cross-legged in a meditation pose against a red background.


We need it to live, but…

Why do we breathe?

We inhale oxygen for our cells to use and exhale to get rid of the carbon dioxide that accumulates in our body.

Incredible, only that breathing is not purely physical, it is also emotional and energetic.

We get varied benefits just by changing the breathing pattern.

Breathing is the first sign of life at birth and the last sign of life at death.

We breathe because it is life.

What is it?

The work of breathing is varied, in every moment we have different patterns, most of the time we are not aware of these, it is one of the few capabilities that we can take control over it immediately once we decide to pay attention to it.

In general, it is to keep the body in a state of homeostasis, that is in balance, because with the breath you can change the function of different cells very quickly.

It is a practice that we have had since day one of existence and has been carried through different paths, in different cultures, times and traditions.

To inhale is to stress the body and to exhale is to relax it (sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system).

When inhaling the heart occupies more space (becomes bigger) because the diaphragm lowers and gives this opportunity and when exhaling the opposite happens.

Breathing is life. And if you do not believe it, try to deprive yourself of air intentionally, you will soon understand that it is required.

How do I do it?

There are soooo many practices and to list them all would take a lifetime or several lifetimes, because you can do anything, fast inhale and slow exhale, slow double inhale and fast exhale or any number of combinations, each one has effects on the body.

These practices will be listed and explored in more detail in various blogs, for now I want to share one that I consider is ideal to apply in 99% of cases.

  • Inhale through the nose
  • Exhale through the nose

Inhale slowly, do not over breathe. Also, deep breathing means breathing with the diaphragm, not the chest.

The exhalation is passive, let it be.

To find out your tolerance to carbon dioxide, visit the blog of the test to know the category, what it means and how to improve that result.

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